You’re probably already aware of how good being around your cat makes you feel, especially when he’s cuddled up on your lap purring away, so the fact that he’s good for your health should come as no surprise!
There have been a number of scientific studies conducted that report cat owners visit the doctor less, have a reduced risk of heart disease, and many more amazing things, so let’s look at the reasons your cat is good for your health.
Prevent loneliness
Even though he can’t talk to you, not in human language anyway, your cat gives you companionship and support when you’re on your own. Think about it, you don’t always need to have a two-way conversation with another person to make you feel better if you’re having a hard time, sometimes the unconditional love and affection that your cat provides can be all the medicine you need.
Increase your fitness
As a responsible pet parent, you’ll want to make sure that your cat gets plenty of exercise, particularly if he’s an indoor cat, and while he’s keeping fit, you’ll be getting the benefit too! Make sure you play lots of energetic and interactive games with him, like running around with a feather on a stick toy for him to chase, and you’ll be bonding with him, having fun and also getting regular exercise.
Lower your blood pressure and reduce stress
Think about the last time you had a really bad day, but when you had some one-on-one time with your cat, petting and stroking, you felt much better, didn’t you? Studies have shown that the calming action of rhythmically stroking your pet actually lowers your blood pressure.

Increase your resistance to allergies
If you’re slightly allergic to animal dander, being around a cat day-in day-out will help you to build up a tolerance. It’s also been proven that children who grow up around cats don’t just get the obvious benefits of having a furry friend – they’re also less likely to grow up with asthma and allergies.

Improve your general mood and mental health
If we consider many of the benefits already listed above, such as regular exercise, companionship and stress relief, it’s easy to see why our cats help us to be generally happier, more relaxed and more able to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life.
Think how much happier and healthier the world would be if everyone shared their life with a cat. Spread the word, and let’s reduce the number of cats who are currently living in shelters!
What health benefits have you experienced as a result of living with a cat?
I have two cats who teach me lessons about myself every day. They have taught me to be more patient, more present and they teach me about love. Nothing better then that!
As I always say… “When we see the Zen in cats, we find it reflective in us!”
KT Cat Paws… AKA Cheryl
Awww, yes our pets are so good for our health. Even when they are driving us crazy I love them to pieces.
Love this post – and I can 100% vouch for the truth of it. I have pulmonary fibrosis (a lung disease) and rheumatoid arthritis, so I am homebound a lot. Well, my babies are always right here with me, and they bring me so much joy and comfort. If I feel bad for myself – their silly antics always snap me out of it. And if I’m weary, they rest with me. Thanks again for spreading the word about our wonderful cat friends.
I’m going to be sharing this with my father; we lost our cat of 24 years in 2013 and he hasn’t had any pets since. He’s going to be retiring soon and I know he really misses her; now I have some extra advice to throw in there for why it’s so great to have a feline companion
Great article! I agree that cats reduce my stress. A bad day at work fades as soon as I get home to my dogs and cat.
I would like to enjoy my cats cuddled up on my lap, but the digging of claws into my leg takes something away from the relaxation. Of course, they do make my life better in so many other ways.
Not sure how most cats can keep you more active even Dora doesn’t really engage directly with you. She does her own thing on her own time but will sometimes graces you with her presence when you are walking the dogs and she decides to come along. They do make good calm company to help you relax at the end of a stressful day.
I can’t go to sleep at night until my cat climbs up behind my head and goes to sleep. The sound of his purr is instantly relaxing. Thanks for sharing this info!
I love reading that there is now scientific proof that our pets are good for our health. I didn’t need researchers to tell me this to believe it but for other people the research helps them believe.
This is so true! When Mommy comes home to us she forgets the troubles of the world!
Yes! So many great benefits of owning a cat or any pet.
el gato es muy bueno!! haha, these are some good points to make about having cats! Even though I am more team dog, there is always a cat or two in the house! We just love to watch the Shih Tzu vs. Cat wrestling matches!
These are SO true! That one about allergies is spot on. I am actually allergic to cats, but being around ours, and volunteering at the shelter so much has really upped my tolerance. And for that, I am SO thankful!
Having 2 cats myself, I definitely believe that all of these are true!
We don’t have any cats but I’ve always found their purring to be comforting.
If one cat can do that, just think what 3 of us can do!
And, on the other side of things, living with a human is usually really good for a cat’s health!
It is pretty amazing what health benefits there are to owning a cat! They are wonderful creatures
I find them to be very helpful for my mental health.
Definitely, they keep loneliness at bay, and fitness? All that chasing toys from under things, cleaning litter boxes, separating those who don’t feel like getting along keeps one on their toes. And during those quiet times, when everyone is fed and happy and laying around relaxing, those times raise the spirits as only cats can do. Great info!
Everyone should own a cat!!! They’re the best, for everything!
I wish more people could understand how therapeutic a purring kitty is!!!
Cats are wonderful for the body and soul! My kitties have helped me with my depression a lot. Having their unconditional love means the world to me.
I have 15 cats- that must be why I rarely get sick.
Cats are very good company and so entertaining. They are the best. And since I have so many, they do keep me busy and out of trouble. Great post.