Kids have a lot to learn about the world around them. Unfortunately, during this exploratory phase, it’s not unusual for collateral damage to happen such as sandwiches posted into the DVD player, teddy swimming in the toilet. . . you get the picture. But when the object under investigation happens to be a cat, someone (two or four-legged) could get hurt. It’s a child’s …
Least Adopted Cats: Which Cats Have the Lowest Adoption Rates?
While cats are among the most popular pets, not all of them have an equal opportunity to find a forever home. Some cats tend to be overlooked, leaving them waiting longer in shelters. These least adopted cats often face biases or misconceptions, but they can be just as loyal and loving as any other cat. By understanding why this happens, we can help give these overlooked …
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5 Alternatives to Declawing Cats
Are you familiar with the expression: “Taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut”? Essentially this means using over-the-top effort to achieve a simple end. A great example of this is declawing cats. OK, so what we want to achieve is the sofa not being shredded, but is surgically amputating one-third of each toe a proportionate way to achieve this? We think not! Keep in …
Reasons Why Cats Lick You
Does your cat lick you? Being licked by your cat is a bitter-sweet experience. On the one paw, it’s nice to think the cat loves you, but on the other it’s uncomfortable. . . to say the least! Indeed, there’s a deal of difference between the sandpaper roughness of a cat’s tongue and the velvet smoothness of her coat. Ironic then that it’s her tongue that keeps the coat silky, …
Helping your Timid Cat Survive House Guests
How does your timid cat feel about house guests? Cats are creatures of habit; after all it takes dedication to squeeze all those cat naps into the day. Even a confident, sociable cat may be less than thrilled by the arrival of guests coming to stay. But if that cat is timid or anxious, the inconvenience of visitors is akin to having their world turned upside down. Think …
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Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Cats
Cerebellar hypoplasia: Two long (and baffling) words. Let’s break them up into something understandable. First, the cerebellum: The cerebellum is the part of the brain which coordinates movement. Think of keeping your balance on the shifting deck of a ship at sea, and it’s your cerebellum (along with other internal mechanisms) taking up the slack to keep you upright. The …
Understanding Hyperesthesia in Cats
Despite over 30 years working as a vet, I’m not convinced I’ve seen a ‘true’ hyperesthetic cat. Of course, this doesn’t mean the condition doesn’t exist (I’ve never seen Las Vegas but I’m pretty sure it’s there). I’ve certainly seen cats with sensitive skin that ripples and twitches at the lightest touch, but there’s always been a logical explanation. But maybe I’m …
Pet Medicine Safety: Storage and Disposal
How much thought do you spare for the safe storage and use of pet medicines? You wouldn’t be the first person to leave the childproof lid off your cat’s meds and keep the open bottle on the countertop. But this invites problems on so many levels. There are veterinary poison advice lines and these are a first point of contact when a pet has been poisoned. They also keep …
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Holey Teeth, Catman! Resorptive Lesions and Your Cat
What do you think is the biggest cause of tooth loss in the cat? a) Gum disease b) Resorptive lesions c) Trauma (such as a fall or accident) d) Caries e) Something else. If you answered (b) then give your cat a stroke, because this is the correct answer. Indeed, resorptive lesions are startlingly common. Experts estimate that 20 – 60 % of all cats have …
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Poisoning in Cats: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
It is a rare cat that scavenges and eats something she shouldn’t, so poisoning isn’t necessarily a problem at the forefront of a cat guardian’s mind. However, cats are still at very real risk of toxicity, even in the safety of their own home. At the root of the issue is the cats’ inability to break down many common drugs, plus their fastidious grooming habits place them …
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