Socialisation usually happens when cats are young kittens - unless they’re born feral, they spend plenty of time being around people and being handled by them. In fact, many cat shelters have volunteers that are specifically there to socialise kittens by playing with them, picking them up and touching paws, ears and mouths, all the things that would happen at vet visits (what a …
How to Responsibily Rehome a Cat
If you’ve made the difficult decision to rehome your cat, it’s not always easy to know where to start. While there can be genuine reasons for having to rehome a family pet, a lot of common reasons for rehoming can actually be resolved without having to give your cat away. What’s the Reason for Rehoming? If you’re thinking about rehoming your cat, it’s important to …
My Cat is Pregnant: What Can I Expect?
It’s extremely important to get female cats spayed, both for health reasons and to help avoid overpopulation. It’s not always that easy though, for example some vets don’t like to operate if your cat’s under a certain weight and if your female cat comes into season before her operation, she’ll be very determined to get out. If your cat does become pregnant, here’s what you can …
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Health Risks for Overweight Cats: Explore the Hidden Dangers
Is your cat carrying a little extra weight? While “chonky” cats might seem cute and cuddly, carrying excess weight can seriously harm their health. From diabetes and arthritis to heart disease and even cancer, the health risks for overweight cats are significant. With nearly two-thirds of pet cats in developed countries now overweight, it’s more important than ever to …
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Why Won’t My Cat Use the Litter Box?
However many years your cat has successfully been using his litter box for, there may come a time when he starts to experience problems. Inappropriate elimination and litter box problems are common in cats, but luckily it’s usually easy to pinpoint the cause and deal with it accordingly. Litter Box Problems – Health Issues If your cat has cystitis, or another urinary …
Welcoming a New Kitten Into Your Home
Adopting a kitten can be an exciting time for the whole family, but just like bringing a human baby home for the first time, it helps to be prepared. We discuss basic kitten supplies, the importance of kitten proofing your home, your kitten’s first night and how to deal with homesickness, plus food and nutrition. Basic Kitten Supplies Before you bring your new kitten …
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Japanese Bobtail Cat: Breed Information and Personality
The standout feature of the Japanese Bobtail is of course its tail. Like fingerprints are different for every human so too is every Japanese Bobtail born with its own unique variant of tail. The Japanese Bobtail is further characterised by a triangular head, oval shaped eyes and alert upright ears. Another distinguishing feature of the bobtail is the hind legs, which are …
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How to Help Cat Hoarders and Their Cats
What do you think when you hear the term ‘cat hoarder’? You might think that anyone who has more than a certain number of cats is a ‘hoarder’. But that's not quite true – cat hoarding is a complex issue caused by mental illness. A cat hoarder will have an extremely large number of cats, much more than a typical household. Sadly, they’re unable to provide adequate …
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Creative Ideas to Help Children Grieve the Loss of a Pet
The loss of a beloved cat, dog, or other pet is always a difficult time, and it can be especially confusing and painful for children. It’s important for the whole family to grieve in their own way, but for children, talking about what’s happened and being open and honest is a vital part of the grieving process. Depending on their age, children may not fully understand what’s …
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Eating Disorders in Cats – Over Eating and Not Eating Enough
No two cats are alike, or will have exactly the same eating habits so before you determine whether your cat’s eating habits are consistent with an eating disorder, you first need to know what’s normal for your cat. If you free feed your cat (e.g. leave your cat’s food bowl out all the time) it can be difficult to monitor how much your cat is eating which is why we recommend …
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