Research reveals that between 14% and 29% of cats in Australia test positive for FIV, or Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, but there’s still a lot of misconceptions and lack of knowledge around the disease. What is FIV? FIV is a lentivirus, similar to HIV in humans, which affects the cat’s ability to produce the white blood cells that are needed to fight off infection. It …
Tabby Cat Facts and the Mystery of the "M"
What is a tabby cat? And why do these cats have an "M" on their forehead? Although some people refer to the tabby as a breed of cat, it actually just refers to the pattern of their coat – those lovely striped, spotted and swirled sections of colour that you see in types of tabby cats. The tabby coat pattern is common to many cat breeds, and there are different colours too. …
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The Dangers of Cigarette Smoking Around Cats
I’m not going to lecture you on the rights and wrongs of cigarette smoking (it’s entirely your choice), BUT it is well documented in various research studies that the effects of passive or second-hand cigarette smoking are almost as bad as smoking itself. A cat’s lungs are almost identical to human lungs, only much smaller, so if second-hand smoke is damaging to humans …
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Is Your Cat Keeping You Awake at Night?
We’ve all been there, it’s the middle of the night and you’re happily dreaming in the ‘land of nod’, only to be woken up by a cat running laps around your duvet, meowing like mad, and only pausing to bat your nose with his paw. Although cats are nocturnal by nature, today’s domestic cat can adapt to our daily patterns; here are some ways that you can avoid the night-time …
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Help! Why Does my Cat Drink from the Toilet?
If your cat likes to drink from the toilet, you’re probably wondering WHY? Why would a cat choose to drink toilet water when there’s a fresh bowl of water available to him? There are actually a number of reasons why your cat might prefer drinking from the toilet, so let’s discuss them, and look at what you can do to curb this behaviour. 1. Water …
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Common Causes of Diarrhoea in Cats
If your cat has diarrhoea, it’s unpleasant for you to deal with, but even more unpleasant for your cat. There are a number of possible causes for a bout of feline diarrhoea, and it may be something as simple as a change in food upsetting his stomach, or it may be a sign of a more serious illness. If your cat suffers from diarrhoea that doesn’t immediately clear up, it’s …
A Cat’s Eye View of the World
Whether your cat’s eyes are green, hazel, amber or even blue, they’re probably the most beautiful pair of eyes in the world to you. But aside from their beauty, there’s so much more to a cat’s eye, especially compared to our own! The Anatomy of a Cat’s Eye Although a cat’s eye is very similar to a human eye, there are some differences when it comes to how and what we …
Cat Hydrotherapy: Benefits, Techniques and How to Get Started
Cats may not be natural water lovers, but hydrotherapy can be helpful for managing some health issues. This alternative treatment uses water to support recovery and improve overall health. From easing joint pain to helping with weight management, cat hydrotherapy offers a gentle yet effective approach to enhancing a cat’s quality of life. Whether your cat is recovering …
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Snowshoe Cat: Breed Information and Personality
Snowshoe cats originated as a cross breed between Seal Point Siamese and American Shorthair cats, and earned their name from their adorable white paws. They are available in seal blue, chocolate, and lilac and have beautiful sapphire blue eyes. Snowshoe Cat Personality The Snowshoe cat is typically gentle, loving, and affectionate with a sweet temperament somewhere in …
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How Sensitive is Your Cat’s Hearing?
Have you ever been puzzled by your cat suddenly becoming alert, ears twitching, when you can’t hear anything? Don’t worry, he’s not seeing ghosts, it’s simply because a cat’s hearing range goes up to about 65khz, while ours is only a measly 20khz, and while our ears sit firmly on the sides of our heads, a cat will swivel his ears around just like a satellite dish, to pick …