The Birman has expressive blue eyes, a silky coat in a variety of different coloured points, and white gloves on each paw – there is no denying that this is a beautiful cat. They also have a beautiful personality – sweet-natured, placid and gentle with soft chirp-like voices.

Birman Cat Personality
With their affectionate and loving natures, Birman cats make the ideal pet. Their patience and tolerance makes them an excellent choice for families with children and/or other pets. They are equally suited to retirees or those who live alone – with the Birman cat for company you will never be lonely again.
Birmans are very sociable cats and are known to follow people from room to room – they will want to be involved in what you are doing. Let’s just say they love to help – they’ll help you read the paper, make the bed, and work on the computer. They enjoy attention and will not hesitate to use their soft voices to ask you for a cuddle or to get up on your lap.
The Birman is also inquisitive by nature – their natural curiosity means that they like to explore new places and situations and this means that they occasionally get themselves into trouble. Birmans are known to get into places that they shouldn’t such as the fridge, freezer, washing machine or dryer, so double check before using them or closing the door.

Did You Know?
According to legend, the Birman (also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma) acquired its appearance at the hand of a goddess who rewarded a temple cat’s love and devotion to his priest by turning his eyes from yellow to a sparkling brilliant blue and his coat from white to golden, leaving its paws white as a symbol of purity.
There is a Birman naming tradition, where all Birman breeders name the kittens born in any given year with the same letter of the alphabet. In 2013, all Birman kittens will be given a name beginning with the letter “K”, next year all names will begin with the letter “L”.

Caring for Your Birman Cat
Birman cats are among the most loveable and loyal felines there are… and one of the easiest to look after. Grooming a Birman cat is simple. Their fur is medium length but it has a soft silky texture which does not mat, so it requires minimal grooming – a brush once a week is usually enough.
Their curious nature has been known to get them into trouble, so Birman cats are best kept indoors where they’ll be safe and less likely to injure themselves.
If you’re looking for a sweet-natured, affectionate cat that is beautiful inside and out, then you can’t go past the Birman – they are guaranteed to steal your heart!
Have you ever met a Birman cat? Please share your experiences in the comments below.

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