With a wild cat appearance, the California Spangled cat has an affectionate, social, and playful personality. These ‘house leopards’ love to actively engage in family life and enjoy interactive play sessions where they can show off their sharp hunting skills and burn off excess energy. California Spangled cats make gentle, loving pets, bringing joy and companionship to any home, day and night.

History and origins
In the 1970s, Hollywood scriptwriter Paul Arnold Casey Jr. decided to develop a domestic cat breed that resembled a miniature leopard. This idea came to him after a trip to Tanzania where he saw the plight of leopards and other spotted cats illegally poached for their fur. With the support of anthropologist Louis Leakey, he set out to breed a ‘house leopard’ to raise awareness and save the lives of these magnificent wild cats. Paul Casey was convinced that people would stop buying expensive fur coats, if the fur resembled their beloved pet.
Eight domestic cat bloodlines featured in the breeding program including Siamese, Abyssinians, Manx, American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs, plus spotted cats that came from Egypt and Malaysia.
In 1986, the breeding program was successful and the California Spangled cat breed was introduced commercially. The breed made its debut on the front page of the American mail-order Neiman Marcus Christmas catalogue in December 1986.
They were advertised as a ‘His and Hers’ gift idea, and described as:
Leopards for your living room… a purring, affectionate pet with the look of the wild. A jaguar whose natural habitat is your lap, not the jungle.
However, whilst there was initially strong interest, the breed was slow to take off. With only 58 California Spangled cats ever registered, they remain a rare and exotic breed. The worldwide population peaked at 200 cats. Following the death of Paul Casey in 2007, the breed was no longer recognised.
Physical characteristics
The Spangled cat is a medium-sized cat with an athletic and muscular body shape. They move gracefully with a low-slung walk like big cats when they move in to kill their prey. Exotic looking, their short spotted coat was bred to resemble a wild cat – with distinctive black, brown, silver, or gold spots that can be triangular, square or oval. In addition, they have prominent sculpted cheekbones with large whisker pads. They have expressive almond-shaped eyes that are usually pale amber to deep copper.
California Spangled cat personality
With an affectionate, social and playful personality, this is a cat who enjoys taking an active role in family life. They enjoy play sessions and entertaining family members with their stalking and pouncing games which show off their superb hunting skills.
They are known for their curiosity, high energy levels and athletic ability. Because they’re intelligent, they are easily trained to walk outside on a leash. Like the leopard of the wild, California Spangled cats will actively seek out any high places. For instance, they love to climb trees, cat towers or your shoulder where they can survey their territory from above.
They also make gentle and loving pets. They form close bonds with their family and will happily enjoy cosying up on the sofa with you, day or night. Naturally friendly and sociable, they also get on well with other cats.

Interesting facts
- The California Spangled cat is considered rare. It is thought that the popularity of two other lookalike wild cats – the Bengal and the Ocicat, overshadowed the development and establishment of the California Spangled cat as a popular breed.
- This is an expensive breed and the high price tag of US$800 – $2,500 has likely also impacted their popularity.
Caring for your California Spangled cat
These cats adapt well to life as an only pet, because they are independent by nature. Their short sleek coat is easy to maintain and weekly grooming will keep it in good condition. They are a strong breed and have no known hereditary health problems. We recommend daily interactive play sessions – the California Spangled cat has an active and intelligent personality, and boredom can be an issue.
To keep your California Spangled cat healthy, it’s important to schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian. Routine healthcare should include vaccinations, parasite control, dental care, and preventive treatments. Discuss any breed-specific health concerns with your veterinarian to ensure early detection of potential health issues.
Before welcoming a California Spangled cat into your life, please research the breed to ensure they are a good match for your family and lifestyle. Remember, responsible pet ownership is a lifelong commitment.

We received this young female from the animal shelter in San Pedro. She is a real people- pet and full of energy. She likes to sit on my shoulder and really loves to play. But, with her sharp, little claws I usually wind up the loser. Rather than meowing she tends to ”chirp” and seemingly communicates when we speak to her. This is the most unusual & entertaining cat I’ve ever had, lots of fun.
We live in California and my human and I have been to dozens of cat shows… and I’m not sure we have ever seen a California Spangled!
I have never heard of this breed. Very cute cats,