An important aspect of caring for your cat is being prepared for an accident or emergency. You probably have an emergency first aid kit at home or in your car, so make sure that you also have one readily available for your cat or dog too. Having an emergency first aid kit can help you provide your cat with essential first aid before you get to the vet for treatment, and can …
10 Tips to Encourage Your Cat to Drink More Water
Ensuring that your cat remains hydrated, especially during the hot summer months is essential to your cat’s overall health and wellbeing. It can be difficult though, to get your cat to drink as much water as they should. Why is water so important? Clean, fresh drinking water is essential for your cat’s urinary health. Adequate hydration aids digestion and helps to …
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How to Survive Bathing Your Cat
Cats generally groom themselves but there may be times when you will need to give your cat a bath, such as when your mischievous kitten gets himself into a sticky or smelly situation or to treat a skin condition or flea problem. Some breeds such as the Sphynx or Selkirk Rex are also naturally prone to an oily skin so may require regular bathing to ensure their skin …
How to Get Your Cat to Swallow a Pill
Most cat owners dread having to give their cat medication. Cats have a sixth sense when it comes to pill time and many will scratch, bite, or run away from you and hide. The good news is that there is more than one way to get your cat to swallow a pill; it’s a question of finding what works best for you and your cat. Giving your cat a pill Opening your cat’s mouth can …
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How to Keep Your Cat Cool This Summer
With long hot days and soaring summer temperatures comes the risk of dehydration, heat stroke and sunburn, not only for you but for your pets too. Here are some simple tips to help ensure your cat remains healthy, cool and comfortable this summer. 1. Shade your house Close the blinds and curtains to keep the sun out and keep your home cooler. An added bonus is that you’ll …
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Why Does My Cat Have a Flabby Belly?
Without all the facts you’d be forgiven for scratching your head in puzzlement when you see an otherwise slim cat sporting a wobbly apron of what appears to be excess skin on their belly. Why do cats have these saggy, hanging bellies that swing from side to side as they go about their business? One common myth is that this excess flab develops soon after neutering or …
5 Ways to Help Your Cat Deal With the Fear of Thunderstorms
As summer approaches and Mother Nature starts to unleash her fury with thunderstorm season – dark foreboding skies, gale force winds, flashes of lightning and crashing thunder – it’s not unusual for cats to become nervous or even 'freak out'. Even before a storm hits, cats are likely to react to changes in barometric pressure and their acute hearing may mean that they can …
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Human Foods Your Cat Shouldn’t Eat
Whilst many of us like to spoil our pets and offer them occasional tasty morsels from our plates, there are some human foods that are toxic or potentially dangerous for a cat and shouldn’t be part of a feline diet. Whilst this is not a conclusive list, here are some of the foods you absolutely must not feed your cat. Chocolate You may have an indulgent sweet tooth, but …
Feline Obesity: How to Help Your Cat Lose Weight
Obesity in cats is more common than you might think, and it’s not just about carrying a few extra kilos. Excess weight puts real strain on your cat’s health, increasing the risk of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and even liver disease. The main causes are overfeeding, lack of exercise, and an indoor lifestyle that limits natural activity. But don’t worry – you can …
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Hairballs and What to do About Them
Cats are fastidious groomers and they typically spend hours each day grooming themselves from head to tail. When a cat grooms itself it ingests loose hairs, and sometimes hair accumulates in the stomach rather than passing through the digestive tract to the bowel. Long-haired or medium-haired cats are more prone to developing hairballs than their short-haired cousins, as are …