Would you know if your cat is dehydrated? At some point in their life it’s likely your cat will become dehydrated, so recognising the symptoms and knowing what to do is important. It matters because dehydration puts a big strain on vital organs such as the kidney, which can cause lasting problems especially in older cats. What is Dehydration? Dehydration is one of …
Diabetes in Cats: What are the Risk Factors?
How much do you know about diabetes in cats? If your reaction is “Enough,” then this piece is especially for you. I like to think that by the end of the article you’ll understand why every cat guardian should be up to speed on the risk factors for diabetes. What is Diabetes? Let’s start at ground level by refreshing the memory about what diabetes is. Sugar diabetes …
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Ways to Keep Your Cat Warm this Winter
As you pack away summer shorts and reach for a snuggly jumper, spare a thought for your cat. As the temperatures plummet she doesn’t have the luxury of donning extra layers and still pads around on bare paws. Just as we suffer more sniffles and colds in bad weather so can our feline friends. The chilly weather is a sap to the immune system that leaves two and four-leggers …
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Chronic Ear Infections in Cats
Do you know ear infections are less common in cats than dogs? Whereas one in five dogs suffers an ear infection, for cats this is more like one in fifty. This is great news for cats as a sore ear makes life a misery; however, for those affected its vital not to overlook or ignore it. The Ear: More Than Meets the Eye Anatomically speaking, the feline ear is divided into …
Rabies Infection in Cats – World Rabies Day
How seriously do you take rabies in cats? If you live in a rabies-free country, this isn’t something you think much about, unless planning to travel abroad. However if you live in a country with endemic rabies, the disease must be taken extremely seriously, given that there’s no cure, it’s fatal, and can be passed to people. However, regardless of where you live, it’s …
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Be Prepared for a Pet Medical Emergency
Medical emergencies happen at random when we least expect them. Our previous cats lived an indoor/outdoor life and as a result were exposed to greater dangers and accidents. Angel Rose came home one evening with a broken leg, Angel Bowie was run over by a car on our steep downhill driveway, Angel Ginger went fishing by the creek and came back with a fish hook lodged firmly in …
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What Is Taurine and Why Is It Important in a Cat’s Diet?
Taurine is often one of those words that rings a bell, but you can’t put your finger on why. Actually taurine should have a special place in the heart of every cat owner, because it’s what keeps your fur-friend’s heart and eyes healthy. It is taurine (or the cat’s dependence upon it) that makes felines ‘obligate carnivores’. This means it doesn’t matter what the cat’s …
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Should I Worry About My Cat’s Poop?
Are you obsessed by the contents of your cat’s litter box? Many seemingly rationale people wait with bated breath to inspect their cat’s latest offering. For some people, finding a nice firm sausage puts a spring in the step, whilst a smelly cowpat is likely to dampen the spirits for hours. If this seems strange to you then be thankful that your cat has ‘regular’ habits, …
Living with a Deaf Cat
Has your cat recently got braver? For example, perhaps she’s stopped running from the vacuum cleaner or fireworks no longer make her fearful. In fact, now you think about it she no longer comes running when you open the fridge door. The explanation for this change in behaviour might be that she’s gone deaf. In a similar way that elderly people suffer from hearing loss so …
Is it Ok for Cats to Drink Milk?
Where did the idea come from, of cats drinking milk? Think about it logically. In the wild, a cat isn’t realistically going to have access to a cow’s udder. At what point did humans decide it was a good idea to put down a saucer of milk for their cat to enjoy? Milk is a food for young animals before they are weaned, and whilst some adult cats get away with drinking milk, …