Arguably the most important vet visit for your pet will be for spaying (females) or neutering (males), often referred to as desexing in Australia. The technique for desexing your cat can vary between different vets and clinics, so I will talk to you about my thoughts and experiences because that’s what I know. However I strongly recommend that you openly discuss any …
Why It’s Important to Microchip Your Cat
Every year, millions of pets around the world enter animal shelters as strays. Making sure your cat has a microchip is the best chance of ensuring they are reunited with you and your family if they go missing. A study by Ohio State University found that of all the stray cats found at animal shelters, cats without microchips were reunited with their owners only …
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Hairballs and What to do About Them
Cats are fastidious groomers and they typically spend hours each day grooming themselves from head to tail. When a cat grooms itself it ingests loose hairs, and sometimes hair accumulates in the stomach rather than passing through the digestive tract to the bowel. Long-haired or medium-haired cats are more prone to developing hairballs than their short-haired cousins, as are …