The Cornish Rex is uniquely identifiable due to its strikingly short coat and curls that tightly hug the body. The fur of the Cornish Rex is often compared to rabbit fur or silk – it is extremely soft to the touch and feels like crushed velvet.
Other distinctive features which make the Cornish Rex breed attractive to cat lovers is the elegantly egg shaped head, high cheek bones, a regal roman nose, all capped by large alert ears that sit high on the head.

Cornish Rex Cat Personality
Despite the Cornish Rex having a regal standoffish appearance it is actually an affectionate and fun loving breed. The Cornish Rex never lose their love for performing adorable kitten like antics and become very attached to their owners. They love to participate in games such as catch and fetch, often playing by themselves if no one else is available, and using their agility to pick up, throw, and chase small objects.
Curious by nature as well as intelligent, they make great playmates or companions for children and adults alike. They tend to be active participants in family life and get on well with other pets in the household. If you are looking for a quiet, docile cat then the Cornish Rex is not the breed for you!

Did You Know?
The Cornish Rex originates from Cornwall, England where a male kitten named Kallibunker was born with a short curly coat in 1950.
They are nicknamed ‘velcro cats’ as a result of their tendency to attach themselves to their owners at every opportunity.
The Cornish Rex is surprisingly strong and agile. Its body is lithe but its underlying muscles are strong and sturdy, giving them the ability to get up to speed quickly and stop just as fast in order to navigate sharp turns. With long legs and well developed hips the Cornish Rex can also leap to surprising heights, which helps to quickly shatter any illusions of delicateness and frailty.

Caring for Your Cornish Rex
As a result of their short curly coat, people often think the Cornish Rex breed are hypo allergic or that they don’t shed fur, which isn’t quite true. Compared to other breeds, their shedding is minimal, but they do shed and will need occasional grooming as required.
Overall, the Cornish Rex are a healthy breed although they are recommended for an indoor life as their coat doesn’t offer them much protection from the harsh sun or cooler winter temperatures.
Have you ever met a Cornish Rex cat? Please share your experiences in the comments below.
I’ve met some Cornish Rex cats, and they are really sweet and oh-so-soft!
My human loves Cornish Rex kitties – she could pet them all day!