An old and well established breed, the Siberian cat has been a Russian national treasure for centuries. The Siberian’s physical traits make it well suited to a life of rodent control as they are a powerful breed blessed with strength, power, and balance.
Siberian Cat Personality
Siberian cats enjoy the company of their owners but especially love the attention of children, other animals, and even dogs, so they are extremely easy to get along with and have very little fear of anything.
Typically quiet they will talk to you in sweet little chirps, trills, and mews with lots of purring in between. Be prepared to invest in lots of toys as the Siberian breed will be curious about all of them. Their inquisitive nature will likely provoke them into closely investigating the mouse cursor on your screen, so expect some help with your computer work, or at least constant scrutiny from your feline friend.
Did You Know?
Siberians are somewhat unique among cat species due to their inherent love of playing with, and in water. In fact, if you start them young they may even enjoy a weekly bath.
The Siberian cat breed is believed by many to be hypoallergenic despite this never being scientifically proven. A component of a cat’s saliva (FelD1) activates many people’s allergies as it flakes off a cat’s fur. Siberians are known to have less FelD1 in their saliva, which may account for this belief. If you are concerned about allergies, spend some time with a Siberian cat to see how you react before welcoming one into your home permanently.
Caring for Your Siberian Cat?
The Siberian kitten shows little fear of anything and as such can be overly exuberant in their investigations. Watch them closely as they will climb to the tops of bookcases, and will have no hesitation about investigating the mantelpiece over the fireplace – climbing the bricks to get there and possibly putting themselves in harm’s way.
Due to the Siberian’s thick coat it will need grooming at least a couple of times a week. They have dense, medium to long-hair, and a water repellant triple layered coat which was designed to keep them dry and protect them Russia’s unforgiving cold harsh winters.
Have you ever met a Siberian cat? Please share your experiences in the comments below.