Unlike dogs, which are demonstrative in showing their love and affection, cats can be a little more stand-offish which makes them much harder to read.
Not all cats will pose for a photo shoot with a declaration of their love and a back-drop of heart-shaped cushions.
So, how do you know if your cat really loves you?
Head Butting
When your cat rubs his face against your cheek or chin or gently head butts you (known as ‘bunting’), he is rubbing his scent on you and saying ‘you’re mine’. This act of scent marking is also how cats bond and show affection, and express their love.
Power Purring
Cats purr for a number of reasons – when they are feeling happy and contented, and when they are sick or stressed to make themselves feel better. When your cat’s purr is loud, vibrating and powerful, you know your cat is feeling loved and cared for.
Kittens knead their mothers to stimulate milk flow whilst they are suckling, and experts believe that this behaviour is associated with the happy memories of kitten-hood and feelings of comfort, safety and contentment. When your cat is kneading your lap, and especially if he is drooling at the same time, it’s a sure sign of love and affection.

Licking You
Cats within the same family or who have been raised together often groom each other as a sign of trust, affection and friendship; this is known as ‘allo-grooming’. When your cat licks and grooms you, (often your hair or ears) he is welcoming you as a member of the family and showing his love.
Belly Up
When your cat lies on his back and exposes his belly to you, you know that he feels safe and comfortable. Asking for a belly rub is a sign of supreme trust, and a subtle request for love and attention.

Tail Twitching
A cat’s tail action is a clear indicator of their mood. A cat who holds their tail in the air with the end tip twitching is feeling extremely happy. If your cat greets you with a quivering tail, it’s kitty-speak for ‘I am so thrilled to see you, I’m going to burst with excitement.’
Sleeping on You
Cats like to feel safe and secure when they are sleeping, so if your cat decides to sleep on your lap or right alongside you, this is a huge compliment and you know you’re well-loved and trusted.
Slow Blinking
If your cat stares at you, then blinks, then open his eyes wide and blinks again he’s saying “I love you”. This trusting eye contact and slow blinking is known as a ‘kitty kiss’, which you can return by slowly blinking back.

Love Bites
Not all cats will engage in love bites, but when they do, you’ll know that they think you are really special. Love bites are like nibbles on your skin, they tickle a little, but they rarely hurt unless your cat gives you a love bite on a particularly sensitive area.
Giving Gifts
It may not be your idea of the perfect gift, but when your cat brings you a dead mouse, bird, lizard or another so-called present from outside, he should be praised. Sharing their prey prize with you is the ultimate sign of friendship and love.
How does your cat show you that he LOVES YOU? Please share…
Images: Found Animals Foundation via Flickr
Wow, what a great post!…We do all those things for our Mommy, but we are indoor kitties, so we bring her our toys and leave them by the bed for when she wakes up!…Happy Valentines Day!…Stay warm and have a fun weekend too, sweeties!…
Awwwww, our kitties do all of those things (except for bringing things from outside, since they are indoor-only). Happy Valentine’s Day, dear friends!
We do all those things. We must really love our mom. 🙂