The debate between ‘cat people’ and ‘dog people’ is one that rages on, but if you’re a cat lover like me, then you have to agree that whilst dogs aren’t that bad, when it comes down to choosing a side, cats are better than dogs!

1. Cats smell better
Sorry dogs, I know you can’t help it, but the smell of wet dog is an overwhelming assault on delicate nostrils. Then there’s the dreaded dog breath. Sure, cats sometimes have a slightly fishy whiff to their breath, depending on what they’ve been eating, but on the whole they smell much sweeter than dogs do and they are fastidious groomers.
2. Cats don’t bark all night
The soft purr or friendly chirrup of a cat is much more pleasing to the ears than the continuous barking, yapping or yelping of your neighbour’s dog. When was the last time your cat kept you awake all night or the neighbours complained about your cat’s meow?
3. Cats aren’t over-familiar with your house guests
Have you ever visited a friend’s home only to have their dog decide you’re his new BFF? He bounds over to you at break-neck speed, jumping, leaping and barking, slobbering all over your clothes and face, or even putting his nose where it’s not welcome e.g. your groin. Cats are reserved and dignified; many times in fact, they’ll retreat to another room.
4. Cats don’t chew your shoes
Dogs, and especially puppies, are notorious for chewing things they shouldn’t, but you can leave your cat alone with your new pair of shoes and he won’t be tempted to even have the tiniest lick. Unless of course he has feline pica, but that’s another issue.
5. Cats are better at entertaining themselves
Dogs can never seem to get enough attention – they are typically more active and demanding. They need someone to take them for a daily walk, or throw a ball in the backyard. Cats however, are happy enough without being fussed over constantly, and they can walk and entertain themselves. With a cat, you can comfortably leave the house for a few hours and return home with everything still in its rightful place. Dogs left home alone are far more likely to succumb to boredom, to trash your house and poop on the floor.

6. Cats have more respect for their toys
If you give a dog a new toy, and if he likes he’ll destroy it within a week. When you give a cat a new toy, he’ll take care of it, gently carrying it in his mouth from room to room and hiding it near his bedding or in some other secret spot. Cat toys can last for years.
7. Cats keep bugs and insects under control
Cats are naturally quick, agile and exceptional hunters. Any winged insect or other creepy crawly unfortunate enough to slip in through a door or window will be marked as prey and caught in a matter of seconds. Living in Australia where the bugs are bigger, I’m always grateful that I share my house with four feline exterminators.
8. Cats fit on your lap
Ok, so there are some breeds of dog that are small enough to sit on your lap, but there’s still that doggy smell. Cats are the perfect size package, small, soft, furry, warm and often quite content to sit and purr rhythmically on your lap. There’s nothing more relaxing after a hard day at work.
9. Cats don’t eat their own poop
Dogs do. And then, they want to lick your face. Enough said.
10. Cats don’t need to go outside to use the toilet
Picture this… it’s ten o’clock at night and you’re comfortably lounging on the sofa, glass of wine in hand, when your pet wants to go to the toilet. For a dog owner this means getting up, putting your shoes on and venturing out into the night. For a cat owner it means . . . nothing. Your cat gets up and uses the litter tray, and you haven’t moved at all.
I’m sure you can think of countless other reasons why cats are better than dogs, but let’s agree – cats have historically been worshipped as gods by many different cultures and there’s a very good reason for that!
Why do you think cats are better than dogs? Please share in the comments below.
I was going to have to take some time to come up with a list of reasons that dogs are better, but thankfully Piranha did it for me. Thanks buddy! I say both cats and dogs are pretty cool to put up with us humans.
Those are some excellent reasons to have cats as fur children.
Cats can be better than dogs in a few ways. But dogs are more useful as they provide security to our homes and families. Also dogs are the one of the most loyal pets to their masters.
Hahahah…are you taunting us dog lovers with a blog with a title like this one for WW. Too funny BUT you have some incredibly good points there 🙂 Not completely converted just yet but nice try…….
Great post! Cats are wonderful house guests 🙂 Although, they do tend to believe that it is you that is the house guest. MOL I’ve had both cats and dogs and I love both. I am very glad cats use litter boxes rather than having to use the bathroom outside. No rushing home from work to let the cat out!
We think cats are better than dogs because we are cats. And though our mommy and daddy also like woofies, they agree that we are better than dogs as well. They like that we are very self-sufficient. And Astrid is curled on Mom’s lap right now. Nuff said.
Great list! As dogs and a dog blog, we had to respond to some of these 😉 (note that mom did grow up around cats so she is familiar with both and does love both)
1) As a dog person, the smell of wet dog isn’t unpleasant-the fragrant smell of oatmeal or mango soap is very pleasant.
3) The two Heelers in the family act very much like cats (cleaning themselves, being independent and not overly exuberant in their greetings, and very aware of personal space). The Aussie is the one who loves greeting people like dogs (i.e. sticking her nose in familiar places), so she’s the one you have to watch out for! LOL
7) We have an accomplished resident exterminator as well! His name is Kronos and he kills bugs…
9) We don’t eat our own poop-that is vile and repulsive and those who do either have a health problem that should be looked into or they are bored and need some more interaction. Yuck! Now, cat poop, rabbit poop, and deer poop…..are fair game 😉 Hey, you humans are allowed to indulge in your sweets-let us indulge in our ‘chocolate!’
10) We are more than capable of letting ourselves out to take care of our business (doggie door), and you can bet that our human appreciates not having to live with the smell of the litterbox in the house.
We enjoyed reading this for sure!
We concur wholeheartedly! Dogs are nice and all, but cats rule! 🙂
Well, I agree with all that, and so would my mum! However, she’s just told me that though she is a cat person, she likes dogs too. But she’s never lived with dogs, only cats, and so yes, she does prefer them for all the reasons mentioned in your post.
Now, we won’t argue that cats are better than dogs, but we think we must be a bunch of weirdos!
1) Mommy and Daddy tell us we smell bad all the time because we give each other baths so much that we always smell like kitty slobber.
2) We don’t bark all night, but we do meow and wrestle on the bed and chase each other around like a herd of elephants in the middle of the night. 🙂
3) Delilah loves house guests and always wants to lay in their laps. But that’s just because she’s super sweet!
4) Caster chews Mommy’s shoes. Especially her nice dress shoes. Mom always has to make sure she puts her shoes in the closet or else they will have scratch and teeth marks on them.
5) Yes!
6) Depends on the toy! Sampson chews his feather toys up in one day and leaves a mess of feathers all over the house!
8) YES!
9) No, we don’t eat poop, but we eat our throw up 🙁
10) Yes!
MOL! Though we aren’t purrfect kitties, we know that Mommy and Daddy secretly find all of these things loveable, endearing, and funny. That’s why they like us better than dogs!!!
Great post – we had fun with this one!
I am a gorgeous (rescued) Maine Coon who not only has to share his blog with authors but their pets; from cats (naturally) to – oh, miau – dogs; from elephants to water buffalo – but that’s my human slave’s fault. Come and visit if you have a moment. Because I really love your reasoning above.
Our dog smells funny. I TRY to bathe her, but her ears get all tangled up, so I quit and let her bathe me. But then I smell funny…. oh, it’s no win. – Crepes.
I was going to have to take some time to come up with a list of reasons that dogs are better, but thankfully Piranha did it for me. Thanks buddy! I say both cats and dogs are pretty cool to put up with us humans.
Hmmm……..I have three kitties and three huskies…..but I gotta give you a wee bit of a challenge on this one as well! I would much rather have outdoor poop then a smelly litter box….cats run around like CRAZY all night long (my dogs don’t bark) hehehe
huskies are odorless….so I am with you on that as far as most dog breeds go!
My dogs chase bugs right along side of my kitties BOL!
As far as eating their own poop…..yea thats nasty!
And yep, kitties entertain themselves much better, I agree.
My kitties do get over familiar with house guests though haha! They like to jump up and put their bums right in peoples faces!!!
Great post! I enjoyed this haha!!
Very nice – love the post! and in fun – how about a little chihuahua’s rebuttal:
1. Cats smell better –
ANSWER: But they lick themselves clean – dogs get actual baths with soap and water.
2. Cats don’t bark all night –
ANSWER: Neither do I, I sleep. But we have had a cat in our home for over 21 years who as he got older meowed all night long… allllllll nigggggggghhhhhht longgggggg
3. Cats aren’t over-familiar with your house guests
ANSWER: Cats are not smart enough to know that getting familiar means extra treats. Pbbbfft!
4. Cats don’t chew your shoes
ANSWER: I don’t chew shoes, but then again, I do not spew hairballs either. HA!
5. Cats are better at entertaining themselves
ANSWER: If you call running around acting crazy from room to room entertainment, sounds like a cry for attention to me!
6. Cats have more respect for their toys
ANSWER: Cat’s don’t look to get more toys. If you notice any household with dogs and cats, dogs always have MORE toys. Think about it.
7. Cats keep bugs and insects under control
ANSWER: Dogs can keep burglars out and can even protect an owner while traveling with them.
8. Cats fit on your lap
ANSWER: So can Chihuahuas.
9. Cats don’t eat their own poop
ANSWER: I don’t eat my own poop or anyone elses. I eat food. Not poop.
10. Cats don’t need to go outside to use the toilet
ANSWER: Only proves that cats like to keep their poop around. We like to help our owners keep the house clean by doing our business elsewhere.
We totally agree with your list (of course !), but the angels have some precisions to add.
Isis on point 1 : I was not really busy to clean my butt, so I must admit I was a smelly blue persian cat lady…
Hercule on point 2 : cats don’t bark all night, but they can meow loudly and scratch the door at the same time like me, or chose to chase the jingle ball in the middle of the night…
Point 3 : right, we only chose non-cat lover or allergic human as BFF of the Day. Céleste on point 4 : right, I only peed in it.
Points 5 to 9 : no comment.
All angels and cats on point 10 : chose well the place of our tray (as far as possible of your nose !).
That’s a really good list. Not much I can say except Cats rule and Dogs drool.
Totally in agreement!
don’t tell our Dakota, but Cody and I think you came up with some pretty darned good reasons!!!!! They also don’t lick incessantly !!!
We agree with all of these! Well, ‘cept for #4….Ernie’s been known to chew on a shoe or two. 😉
I think my 3 cats would wholeheartedly agree they are far more superior than dogs. Thanks for sharing a fun and interesting story.